Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Management Information System (MIS)

Management Information System (MIS) as a powerful weapon in the competitive business now been recognized by the businesses in the information technology era.
Management Information System can be trusted to provide the information needed mid-level leaders (managers), both in work units and sub-units within the organization.
Important information used obtained from the transaction processing system is integrated with other data processed into a report for the user about many things related to the management, control, and organizational development.
Management Information System implemented in the functional systems according to the characteristics of the user organization such as: Human Resource Information Systems, Information Systems Inventory, Manufacturing Information System, Financial Information Systems, Marketing Information System, Academic Information System, Executive Information System and various other information systems in accordance with the needs of each work unit within the organization.
The main characteristics of Management Information Systems are:
  1. Operating on a structured tasks, where the procedures, decision making, information flow, report formats etc. were defined.
  2. Achieve to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  3. Provide reports to decision-making needs.
  4. Facilitate access to information for management needs
Functional system needs in work units should be able to synergize with each other, can not be isolated.


  1. Blognya bagus, terus semangat bro.. D tunggu kunjungan baliknya.. :)

  2. Thanks supportnya! Blog bro bagus banyak artikel inggrisnya. Boleh dong aku review dikit2 buat aku posting di blog aku. Mohon ijin ceritanya nih!

  3. Artikelnya terlalu konseptual bgt. Bgmn kl bisa lbh diperinci?



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