Monday, July 11, 2011

LAN devices and equipment

LAN is composed of many computers and network equipment or devices. There are several devices used to transfer data information in a LAN. The combination of these devices will create a LAN infrastructure. The devices are:

Repeater, works on the physical layer network, amplify the signal in the transmit from one repeater to another repeater. Repeater does not alter the transmitted information and the repeater can not filter the information. Repeater only works to help strengthen the signal is weakened due to distance, so the signal can be transmitted to a greater distance. 

Hub connecting all the computers connected to the LAN. Hub is a repeater with lots of ports (multiport repeater). Hub is able to direct the route of transmission; Hub only transmit signals to each line is connected with it, using half-duplex mode.

is the "intelligent repeater". Bridge strengthening the transmit signals, but unlike a repeater, Brigde able to direct the destination.

connecting all the computers connected to the LAN, just like a hub. The difference is that switches can operate with full-duplex mode and is able to change the path and filter the information to and from specific destinations.

is an increase in the ability of the bridge. The router is able to set a route / path (route) and filter the information to another network. Some routers can automatically detect the problem and move the path information from the troubled area.


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